AASA Consulting recently held its Vision 2027 planning session with its team. This 3-year plan (2025 to 2027) looks forward to further company growth based on market conditions and an optimistic forecast for opportunities in the development sector and a recovery of business activities in the private sector. Our 12 goals for the next 3 years focus on Growth, Diversification, Digitalization and Investment in People. Congrats to AASA Consulting team for completion of this critical activity.
AASA Consulting Team at Play
AASA Consulting Training Session with USAID on Career Transition
Zohair Ashir meeting with President of Pakistan to Discuss Matter Relating to Strategy for Higher Education
AASA Consulting Team Devising Plan and Execution Strategy for Project
AASA Consulting CEO with USAID Program Director at the Launch of Self Help Program
AASA Consulting Team at the Signing Ceremony of One of his Largest Project with SBP and World Bank
AASA Consulting Team Debriefing Session on a Field Research Project in Hyderabad
We are pleased to announce that AASA Consulting has been awarded, through open competitive bidding, a project by Government of Sindh on maternal and child health under its Sindh Social Protection Authority (SSPA).
We welcome the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s investment in our country. AASA Consulting continues to advise Wafi Energy Pakistan in our areas of expertise.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, in collaboration with the Pakistan Business Council has launched its Tackling Childcare Initiative in Pakistan…..
The School Education & Literacy Department (Government of Sindh) has outsourced the operation and management of selected government schools to private sector Education Management Organizations (EMOs) under a public-private arrangement….
The School Education & Literacy Department (Government of Sindh) has outsourced the operation and management of selected government schools to private sector Education Management Organizations (EMOs) under a public-private arrangement….
The Forestry Innovation Investment Limited (FII) is the provincial agency of British Columbia (B.C) in Canada responsible for maintaining and expanding markets for B.C. forest products. AASA Consulting is engaged as their research partner in Pakistan…
Recently ADB awarded a project to AASA Consulting “Capacity Building of Disaster Risk Management Institutions” which has commenced. On January 18th, 2021, pictured above with the project team are Mr. Najam Javaid (Consultant ADB)…
AASA Consulting and HANDS has entered into an agreement under the GoS “Education Management Organization” program where AASA Consulting will serve as “Independent Expert” to HANDS on its 31 schools awarded to them under a contract….
AASA Consulting is conducting a midline survey under a project “Programme for Improved Nutrition in Sindh” for RSPN. On 31st March, 2021, AASA Consulting conducted a training session for enumerators in Larkana….
Members of our EMO team visited Sukkur IBA University in the first week of November. There was a round of meetings on the project, to mutually understand the KPIs as stipulated within the Concession Agreement…
Wafi Energy has agreed with Shell International PLC to acquire a majority stake in Shell Pakistan Limited (SPL) from Shell Petroleum Company Limited, a subsidiary of Shell plc. While the main signing ceremony between the two entities…..