
Providing Comprehensive Project Solutions Across Diverse Industries with Unwavering Commitment to Excellence and Innovation



  1. Impact of COVID-19 and Climate Change on Public Sector Primary and Elementary School Education in the Province of Sindh for International Rescue Committee.
  2. Gender Study to Gauge the Impacts of Covid-19 on the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of Teachers and Students in Pakistan for Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Government of Pakistan.
  3. Independent Expert for over 100 Schools under Education Management Organization, Public Private Partnership for Education and Literacy Department, Government of Sindh.
  4. Impact Evaluation of the Sindh Education Foundation Pilot Promoting Private Schools (PPRS) in Rural Sindh Program for World Bank.


  1. Health Facility Service Availability & Readiness Assessment Survey for Social Protection Department, Government of Sindh.
  2. Baseline, Midline and Endline Survey of Implementation of the Nutrition-Sensitive Component (ER-3) of the Programme for Improved Nutrition in Sindh (PINS) for Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN).
  3. Baseline and Endline Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART) Survey in PINS ER-2 Component Endline Survey for Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN).
  4. Third Party Evaluation for Balochistan Nutrition Program for Mothers and Children (BNPMC) for Government of Balochistan.

Social Protection

  1. Final Evaluation of Revitalizing Youth Enterprise Program (RYE) for PPAF.
  2. Survey Firm for Independent Validation of COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support (CARES) for Pakistan Under Capacity Building of Disaster Risk Management Institutions for Asian Development Bank.
  3. Poverty Scorecard Survey / National Socio-Economic Registry Update for Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) and Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP)in 12 Districts covering over 1.5 million Households.
  4. Effective, Poverty Focused Investment Strategy in Punjab for Asian Development Bank.


  1. Tackling Childcare Pakistan Creating Family-Friendly Workplaces in Pakistan A Landscape Analysis and Market Research Initiative for IFC.
  2. Gender Differences Understanding Perceptions, National Baseline Study Funded by USAID for Aurat Foundation funded by USAID.

HR & Organization Development

  1. HR Due Diligence of Shell Pakistan Limited (SPL) for Asyad Holding Group, KSA.
  2. Career Transition and Support Services for Foreign National Staff (FSN) for USAID.
  3. Supporting Change Management For Accelerated Growth And Rationalization Of Job Profiles For Retail Banking For U
  4. Employee Engagement Surveys for SBP BSC, MCB & Mashreq Bank.
  5. Design and Implementation of Organizational Restructuring in Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO), Pakistan, USAID funded Power Distribution Program.
  6. Due Diligence of Human Resources Management of Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Limited, RBS, Saudi Oger, Dalda Foods, Shell Pakistan Limited.
  7. Change Management/HR Development Program under Technical Assistance for Banking Sector (TABS) for the State Bank of Pakistan.

Strategy and Research

  1. Pakistan Wood Product Market Research for British Columbia Based, Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd.
  2. Consumer Profile and Survey Study for Lakson Tobacco Company (Annually for 7 years)
  3. Study on Profiling and Segmenting the Road Transport (Logistics) Sector and Assessment of Informal Financing for Karandaa
  4. Market Size & Profiling of Pakistan Energy Sector (Rural Electrification & Off-Grid) Consumer Perception Study for IFC&World Bank.